Gold Corporation
Santana Property
Target: A multimillion-ounce epithermal gold deposit amenable to open pit mining and heap leaching.
- Located 50 km SE of Alamos Gold’s 3 million Mulatos mine
- Project area covers 7,700 hectares
- Accessible via paved highway within 15km
- Corex has right to acquire 100%
- 2008-2009 drill program identified 800 m wide x 2.3 km mineralized corridor
- Gold-bearing oxide material
- Potential Low strip ratio (gold zones occur on topographical highs)
- Additional mineralized structures identified and will be drill tested in 2010
- Numerous exploration targets that extend for 5 km on a major NW structure and 2 km NE on a conjugate set
- Intercepts of high-grade feeder zones that could increase average grade of project